
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Code of Ethics

From the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct I chose:

To create and maintain safe and healthy settings that foster children's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions.

This is important to me because many children who come to me have recently experienced a big change such as moving to a new country. The family is often isolated at the beginning. For these children and families as well as the ones who have been here longer, it is important for the classroom and the school to be safe and predictable. 

Code of Ethics

From the DEC Code of Ethics I chose:

We shall use individually appropriate assessment strategies including multiple sources of information such as observations, interviews with significant caregivers, formal and informal assessments to determine children's learning styles, strengths, and challenges.

This is important to me because many of the children that I work with seem to struggle with learning. In reality they are able to do more than they can show because of a significant language barrier. 

Code of Ethics

From the DEC Code of Ethics I chose:

We shall demonstrate our respect and appreciation for all families' beliefs, values, customs, languages, and culture relative to their nurturance and support of their children toward achieving meaningful and relevant priorities and outcomes families' desire for themselves and their children.

This is especially relevant for me in an international setting. Often the school is the first and sometimes only resource the families have in the host country. It is important for me to do everything in my power to help them in school and out.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Check out my resources page to see all the great things that I've found. Here are 3 of my favourites.

I use this to find letter activities and blending activities. They also have a fabulous tools sections to allow you to customize the activities.

Here I find center activities as well as longer term projects and ideas for display.

I follow several early childhood blogs. I really like