
Relationship Reflection

I have many relationships in my life. They are with the people I love, the people I work with and the people I depend upon. These relationships allow me to grow, comfort me, encourage me and keep me sane. The closeness of the relationships varies both in emotion and in distance but all of them are important to me.

My husband is the relationship that is most dear to my heart. He is always there for me. I tell him my troubles, I share my fears, I laugh with him. He is the person who shares my life in every way. We argue and disagree but there is always love at the core. He accepts me for who I am and I do the same for him. I share his burdens and joys.

My mom is far away in distance but she is always with me. Although we only see each other about twice a year, I depend on her to keep me in touch with my family in Canada. She relays news and listens to mine. She loves me unconditionally. When we are together it's like we've never been apart.

I also have a colleague who is a close friend and confidant. We commiserate together about the trials of teaching and the challenges of living in another culture. She in American and I am Canadian so we share similar values and pop culture. She, like me, has a Dutch husband and so understands what that is like.

My sisters and brother and their families are also important to me. I can always count on reliving good memories whenever we get together. We also make new memories. Although I'm not a part of their everyday lives, which is very difficult for me, I now I will always have a place there.

Communication is the key factor to developing and maintaining a relationship. I try very hard to keep the lines of communication open especially with the people who live far away. Luckily technology makes this easier.

The hardest part of maintaining a relationship in my experience is the disconnect you get when you are no longer part of everyday life. With my family, the distance and time difference are difficult to cope with. With my colleague the same thing happens when we are on vacation. I no longer see her everyday.

My relationship with my husband is also a partnership because we share equally in the give and take of the relationship. We face the trials and the challenges together. He is my support and I am his.

My own experiences with relationships can help me in my profession by allowing me to empathize with families who are also far away from family and friends. Most of the children that come to our school are in the country for a short time and many have just moved to the Netherlands. While the children have a school community and the fathers (mostly) have a work community, the mothers are often alone in a new place and most don't speak the language. I have also lived that so I can relate to these mothers and try to help them to adjust.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer it is good to have a Husband who is there by your side. Many individuals do not have such as a relationship and if they get one they should value it.
    Family is a good relationship to have as well. We all need our families and other close relationships that are of importance of us.
    Jennifer I do believe that our professional relationships are important also.
