
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally (EDUC 6990 J Erno)

       One organisation that caught my attention is the International Bullying Prevention Association (www., n.d.). Membership in this group gives you access to a large amount of research on bullying and its prevention as well as a community of experts to give advice. There are annual conferences as well as webinars that provide information and training. The website offers specific resources for educators of all ages. 

     UNICEF supports anti-bullying programs and research into their effectiveness in many countries such as Jordan, South Africa and Malaysia (, n.d.). The main goal of UNICEF is to "work for a world in which every child has a fair chance in life" (, n.d., Who we are). UNICEF is active in many parts of the world with a specific focus on developing nations. This organisation is universally known for working for the rights of children. is an online forum where parents, children, educators and professionals can share experiences and advice about bullying prevention and online safety. This website provides information about types of bullying, health and well-being and resources for parents, teens and teachers. There is a blog that allows people to share their thoughts and ideas as well as expert advice from professionals in the field.

     I would like to work with UNICEF in one of its many programs in the developing world. I could work with the children directly or help to train teachers to provide a safe learning environment for everyone. For this position I would need to have excellent communication skills as well as an ability to pick up languages. I might need to be able to live without the comforts to which I am accustomed. I would need to be able to work with a range of people and learn the local culture in order to tailor a program to the needs of the community.

References (2016). Retrieved from

International Bullying  Prevention Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from

UNICEF. (n.d.). Retrieved from


  1. Jennifer,
    You pick some great organizations to find information on bullying. UNICEF is an awesome organization that help families in many different ways. We as educators need to find ways to stop bullying in our classroom. Thank you for the resources.

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I have to agree with you on your interest for the anti- bullying organization. This has become such a big issue in high school aged students, that I feel, educators have a responsibility to make a difference in the early years. Connecting with organizations such as these, can allow us to learn how to recognize behaviors or environments most affected by this.
