
Friday, April 22, 2016

Time Well Spent (EDUC 6990 J Erno)

     We have been asked to post three things we have learned over the course of this program. I have learned a lot about myself, my passions and my biases. Education has always been important to me. Encouraging children to learn became my passion. I started my career as an elementary school music teacher and was thrown into early childhood 10 years ago. I wasn't at all sure how to go about it and I made a lot of mistakes. This program has allowed me to acquire the knowledge to back up my instincts that shaped the way I teach.

     Learning about anti-bias education was an exciting aspect for me. I had always thought that my class was open and welcoming to all children. Through this program I learned ways to make sure of this welcoming environment. I have recently started using persona dolls in my classroom and they are a huge success. My students are invested in the stories and they have been the catalysts for some very interesting discussions that engage most of my students, even my beginning EALers.

     I have learned there is a huge amount of information and research available to me. Researching bullying and anti-bullying programs led me in some different directions. Reading one study led to several more that were related. It was the first time I've actually been excited about research because I was so interested in the topic.

     One long term goal that I still have is to share my new-found knowledge of anti-bias education with my colleagues. I would like to help develop strategies that can be used at all levels of our school.

     Thank you to all my classmates and to Dr. Dartt for your comments and support throughout this process. I have enjoyed reading about your own passions and have found that they often align with my own. We often say in my school that teaching is not a job, it's a disease. A teacher needs dedication to be able to provide the best for the children she serves. It's an illness I'm glad I caught.


  1. Hello Jennifer,

    It wonderful you want to make such a huge impact on children and families through childcare centers. I would like to view a child care curriculum in Europe and see the similarities and difference among est children and families.I think it is great you believe in sharing information about anti-bias education.

    I love the quote and picture you included. Being that I work with children who are developmentally delayed it is important that I educate children and allow them to grow at their own pace.

    I wish you the best with your future!

    Ashley Baldwin

  2. Jennifer,
    I enjoyed reading about your journey! I will also take with me great things I will implement. I can imagine the positive effect the Persona Dolls are having on the children. Your classroom must definitely bring a home-feeling. What has helped me in the past, is rating my classroom on just how diverse it is. After this program, I realized how much more I can do.
    Thank you for sharing the quote, your right, our passion is like no other.
    Best wishes on your continued journey!

  3. Thank you so very much for your support, Jennifer! You are a real treasure and a true assett to the field of early childhood education! Best of hopes for you and those whose lives you touch.
