
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I have been very lucky in my life as have my family and friends. We have not had to deal with any major stressors in our early lives. Recently though, my sister has finally decided to divorce her husband. My nephew is 7 years old and is dealing with the breakup of his parents marriage. The back story for this is important. My sister and her husband were on the point of splitting up 8 years ago according to my mother. Then they got pregnant. They were living in Mexico at the time. My brother-in-law is Mexican. My nephew was born there. He was a difficult baby and developed an intolerance to lactose in breast milk. Before he was 1 year old, the family moved to Canada. My sister went to work and her husband stayed home with my nephew. All of these factors put stress on the marriage as did the personalities of the people involved. My nephew reacted to the stress in the house. He was a difficult eater and learned early to play his parents against one another. Now that his parents have been apart for almost two years, his emotional turmoil has eased somewhat. He still has to deal with parents who do not work together very well but he is visibly less stressed. Research has shown that staying together for the sake of the children causes more harm than good. If the marriage is going to break up, then sooner is better.

Air pollution is a global problem and is proven to contribute to health problems. In young children air pollutants can also cause changes in behaviour. Beijing, China is one the worst offenders when it comes to air quality. In January, Beijing has had 20 days of hazardous levels of pollution. The government has recently called for stricter controls for emissions to come into effect in 2017. They have also required domestic oil refiners to upgrade. These measures should help future generations.


Bloomberg News, (2013,  Feb 7).  Eye-stinging Beijing air risks lifelong harm to babies. Retrieved from

Li, J. (2006). For the sake of the kids: divorce and children's behavior problems. Conference Papers - American Sociological Association

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