
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sharing Web Resources - part 3

 The website that I chose was the ACEI site. I've only received one newsletter to date. One of the outside links that I found was to the site This site shows with clear graphics and concrete examples the ways that universal education affects economies, health, population and the environment. It was updated and relaunched to coincide with the UN general assembly in September that was looking at new developmental goals for post-2015. It ties in well with this week's topic as it shows that education impacts many areas of development.

       The section of the website that I chose to explore is called "Global Gateway: International Comparisons and Scenarios". It highlights the different international assessment tools that are currently in use such a PISA, PIRLS and TIMMS and gives current updates on the results of these assessments. It also spotlights different countries that show excellence in education and countries that are moving towards excellence. There are links to all the different assessment websites. One that I found interesting was the PIRLS report. PIRLS stands for Progress in International Reading Study. The report has many sections and one is devoted to looking at the effect an early start in literacy can have on the results. The report states "[a] supportive home environment and an early start are crucial in shaping children’s reading literacy." (Mullis, Martin, Foy & Drucker, 2012, p 10). This confirms what I've read in other articles that argue the importance of early education.

      Being an international site, there are many stories and links to international projects to provide education to all children as well as national projects in different countries. This has shown me that the push for excellence and equity is a worldwide fight. Education is a cornerstone to development. As such, developing countries are working hard to achieve an educated population. In countries that are already developed, equity and excellence are also ways to fight poverty and ignorance. True democracy relies on an educated and informed voter to make a choice.


Association for Childhood Education International, (2011). Global gateway: International comparisons and scenarios. Retrieved from

Mullis, I., Martin, M., Foy, P., & Drucker, K., (2012). PIRLS 2011 International Results in Reading. Retrieved from

UNESCO, (2013). Education for all global monitoring report. Retrieved from

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