
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

International links

One personal consequence of learning about my international contacts' experiences is to realize that many issues such as underfunding are international. This gives me hope that if we work together there is the possibility for change. One professional consequence is that I have gained a different perspective on issues like poverty. I am much more grateful for what I have here. Small problems seem to pale in comparison to what some people face. Another consequence that is professional and personal is that my passion has been reignited. I will advocate for quality education for all.

I think a goal should be to be aware of the situations in other places. I tend to focus all my attention on my classroom and my school. As a profession we need to broaden our focus and share good practice everywhere.


  1. Hello Jennifer,
    I agree, reading about major issues in the early childhood field made me realize that I should be more grateful because i had the opportunity to have a quality education.
    Thank you for sharing interesting information about education in Hong Kong and Canada.
    Ghayna Alsafadi

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I totally agree that our goal should be to be aware of the situation in other places. I think that this course has given us the opportunity to start doing so. it was a great chance for me to broaden my understanding of many issues in the early childhood field worldwide. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences.
    Best wishes.
