
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Family Culture (6164 Diversity)

       The first item that I would take with me would be my iPad. Both my husband and I are tech nerds. We love gadgets, so much so that I call my iPad my baby. My iPad gives me access to all my photos including the scans of the slides my father took. He is deceased. My iPad also allows me to read as many books as I want in whatever language I want. In a new culture, being able to have something familiar is incredibly comforting.

       The second item I would take would be my recipe book. Although I don't cook a lot there are certain family recipes that I would like to be able to recreate. Comfort food is another thing that reminds a person of home and family. It's one of the things I miss living so far from my family.

       The third item would  be my family tree. This has been created by my dad and gives me a sense of belonging. It allows me to trace my history on one side of my family and gives me roots. It is an ongoing project that I have been adding to since I took it over in my teens.

        If I was told that I needed to give up 2 items to enter the country, it would be difficult to decide between them. I would feel unsettled. At the same time, I would feel like taking the opportunity to build a new life. Sometimes hanging on to traditions too tightly can close off growth. While I would want to keep a connection with my roots, it would be important to put down new roots, especially if we needed to stay in our new country.

        I found this assignment particularly difficult because I have left my home country to live in a new place. I have started building a new life more than once and, while it's always difficult, it also gives a sense of freedom. I have discovered that family culture is very adaptable. In a new place, you hold on to objects and traditions that make you feel comfortable but you also collect new objects and traditions that become as important to you as the older ones.

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