
Friday, October 17, 2014

Welcoming Families from Around the World (EDUC 6164)

The country that I chose for my new family is Brazil. I have had and currently have a family from there but still only have a basic idea about the country.

To prepare I would do the following things.

1. Learn to say hello, goodbye and thank you in Brazilian Portuguese.
2. Read about the different areas of Brazil and find out where my family is from.
3. Find out some of the cultural traditions that are practised in that area.
4. Read about family life and school life in Brazil.
5. Find other children in the school who speak that same language so that I can introduce them to each other.

By doing this research I hope to be able to welcome this family more fully into my class. I'm hoping to help make the transition easier because I have information about what differences they might face. I'm also hoping to make the family and especially the child in my class feel safe and comfortable. Knowing what school life was like in Brazil I can help ease the new child into new routines.


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    You chose two preparation methods that I did not think of, which were learning some of the basic greetings in the child's native language and connecting them with others who may speak their home language. Good post, thanks for the insight. These are the primary purposes of these blogs; to teach you something new, offer a new perspective or provide additional ideas and resources.

    As you mentioned, the most important task for teachers is to make the transition as easy as possible. There are always going to be differences and anxieties, but with preparation we can make a world of difference, simply by caring enough to show it.

    Tabitha Abney

  2. Knowing and incorporating a families culture into the culture of our society helps all of us in our understanding and growth.

  3. Hello Jennifer,

    It is so important to know exactly where the family came from. This will cause the family to feel welcomed and appreciated that you took the time to learn them and their beliefs and culture. I think this is an excellent learning experience for everyone and it can surely eliminate so of the barriers that we currently face today.
