
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Professional Hopes and Goals (EDUC 6164)

One hope I have when I think about working with children and families from diverse backgrounds is that I can create an environment that values each child for who they are. I hope that I can show understanding and compassion as well as help the children to accept themselves and others. I hope I can teach children that differences are not bad things.

One goal that I have is to have more open discussion with colleagues and parents about issues of diversity and social justice. Discussion is vital in understanding and being open to other viewpoints is vital to constructive discussion.

I want to thank my colleagues in this class. Your posts and comments have made me think and re-evaluate ideas that I've had. Your support has allowed me to reflect and grow. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Your passion and knowledge is really shown through your statement of wanting to have more open discussions with families that you work with. Those are so important for everyone involved.
