
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sharing Web Resources - Part 1

The site that I chose is called Association for Childhood Education International. The link is
This is an organization that works "(t)o promote the inherent rights, education, and well-being of all children in their home, school and community." (, 2011). They help to develop and implement programs, encourage professional development for the people who work with children, and help coordinate the different groups that work for children's rights. They believe in the uniqueness of each child, the universality of principles such as dignity and respect, that quality of education is important and that there is equality both in the educational setting and in the accessibility to education.

One issue that caught my eye in the newsletter was a study about recess. The study showed "that a safe, healthy and organized recess environment" (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2013) reduced bullying, increased feelings of safety and helped children to be more ready to learn. This issue is interesting to me because we are pushing for more play time in my school. In the last 5 years, there has been a move towards more academics in the early years. This has led to increased pressure on the teachers and the students. It has also resulted in a decline in social and emotional development. We are arguing that by increasing play time and being actively involved with the children during this time, we can reverse this trend. This study seems to show the results that we wish to achieve.

I think this work could also apply to diversity in schools. By reducing bullying and promoting cooperation, you would also be promoting acceptance of differences. This could lead to less racism and sexism.


Association for Childhood Education International, (2011). Principles/Governance. Retrieved from website:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, (2013). Does better recess equal a better school day? Retrieved from website:


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    The organization's work sounds very constructive in the field of early childhood. I totally agree that increasing play time in a safe environment would allow children build more social skills and develop empathy. This with no doubt relates to accepting differences and learn positively about diversity.

  2. Hi Jennifer,

    It was very thoughtful how you related play to the acceptance of diversity! Sometimes I can't get over how much pressure is now being put on early childhood teachers. It is a shame that this leads to less play time! Did you go to preschool? I didn't. Look where we are now. Social emotional development is very important!

    Liz Thomas

  3. Thank you for sharing this resource! I am not very familiar with this resource, but I appreciate the goals that are stated in your blog that they try to work toward. It was also interesting reading about the issue of recess mentioned by this resource. It is definitely a current issue!

  4. Thank you Jennifer for sharing this information and source. I think physical activity is very important for children. Especially during this fast food, fast living lifestyle that we live in now. I hope you all get you recess time increased. Where I live children are required to go outside everyday (long as it is not below 32 degrees or above 93 degrees outside) for at least 15 minutes.
