
Friday, September 6, 2013

Establishing professional contacts and expanding resources

I am in a lucky position for this assignment because I don't live in the United States. This made the task of finding professionals abroad much easier. I have spoken with one of my colleagues at school. She is considering if she will have to time available to work with me on this. I have also sent e-mails to 2 former colleagues, one who now lives in Hong Kong and the other in Switzerland. I am waiting to hear back from them. My sister is a grade 1 teacher in Canada. I have asked her if she would be willing to be my discussion partner. From these four people whom I know and respect, I hope to find at least 1 who is willing and able to work with me for this course. I have received 2 replies, both in the affirmative, one from Canada and the other from Hong Kong.

To choose my website I first focused on the international sites listed. Although I know there are many good programs and research happening in the US I want to expand my knowledge of programs in other countries. From the list I chose 4 that caught my attention either because of the region they serve or because I recognized the organization. Looking through the 4 sites I decided to focus on Europe. I'm currently living in Europe and feel that I should learn more about the issues and trends facing early childhood education here. I finally chose the site Association for Early Childhood International because I feel that it will give me the most useful information from which I can benefit. The link is For me the most important aspect of my choice was would the information on the website be applicable to me.


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    Would it be possible for you to send me some names or ask some colleagues in the Netherlands or Canada if they would be willing to correspond with me. If this would be ok with you, I would be happy to send my email through you to a colleague.

    Thanks for any help! I think this is a great way to bring the world closer together.

    Liz Thomas

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I think it would be very interesting to learn about early childhood trends in Hong Kong! Every country approaches early childhood education in different ways and I believe it would be very helpful to share ideas and experiences.

    Ghayna Alsafadi

  3. Hi Jennifer,

    Wow! I look forward to reading your very diverse posts. This sounds like quite the opportunity! Best of luck in the class.

  4. Hi Jennifer,
    It is great to know that you are contacting professionals from the Far East. I am pretty sure this would be a rich experience. You will have a lot to learn and share about issues in early childhood in such areas of our world. I look forward to learning about your experience.
    Good Luck.
