
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Start Seeing Diversity (EDUC 6357)

For my art project I created a web page. The link is below.


  1. Jennifer, what a creative way to express your views about diversity! This must have taken a lot of work, to create a web page. One of the pictures you posted jumped out at me....its the second group picture. It has children in it, but what caught my attention is the image of an older white lady leaning her head on a younger African American woman. That really touched my heart for some reason. I think it's because the elderly oftentimes have such racial views toward different people (not all elderly, of course, but definitely some of them!). Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very creative and wonderful messages through a visual medium! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  3. Jennifer,
    I enjoyed all of the pictures that you posted this week. I especially enjoyed the one with all the different people that seems to be a painting. All of the diversity that is shown in this picture is amazing. You can definitely see people from many different ethnicities. I love the fact that they were all together in a group and they did seem to be worried at all about having to be in such a close vicinity to each other for probably a long period of time especially if it was a painting because they would have had to be together for quite some time to get the picture finished.
    I also enjoyed the being 12 video. There were several things included in it that I found very intriguing. First I thought it was very interesting when the girl from Jamaica talked about the restaurant that made them pay first before they allowed them to eat. Second I could relate to the Caucasian girl that said many times she feels guilty because of the idea that she is better than others because she is white. I also am white but I never thought or felt that I was better than anyone else because I was white until I went to school to get my teaching license and man of the classes brought up the idea of whites having a sort of superiority. I actually had the opposite feelings. Growing up we lived in a predominantly Hispanic community and I was bullied for being white.
