
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Who am I as a communicator? (EDUC 6165)

The surveys for verbal aggression and listening styles had very few differences in my results and the results of the two people I asked to complete them. I scored as moderate in aggression and people-oriented in listening. These results show me that my attempts to be compassionate and avoid confrontation are visible to others and not just my own perceptions. What was interesting in the results was when I looked at the communication anxiety. These results were all over the place. My husband rated me at the very top of the elevated category. He doesn't often see me speak in large group situations but I talk to him a lot about my feelings. My own results also fell in the elevated category but on the bottom end. My colleague had me in the moderate category. What this tells me is that I hide my nervousness well enough that it is not noticeable.

What insights does this give me about communication? These results reinforce the importance of nonverbal communication. By showing confidence even when I'm nervous I can be a better communicator because my audience is more focussed on my message than my fear. Reading about verbal aggression also reinforces the idea that to persuade someone to my point of view I need to avoid personal attacks. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Sensible argument requires listening to both sides and presenting logical and well though out points to argue your own. Compromise and flexibility are keys to good communication.


 Rubin, R. B., Palmgreen, P., & Sypher, H. E. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge.

Rubin, R. B., Rubin, A. M., Graham, E. E., Perse, E. M., & Seibold, D. R. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures II: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge.


  1. Jennifer, my scores in communication anxiety were so different from the way I perceive myself and the other two people that perceived me. My score was in the mild anxiety area but both of the people had me scored in the low anxiety area. As you stated it is it shows we can had our nervousness in front of others.
    Enjoyed your post,

  2. Hi Jennifer. My anxiety level matched yours. I speak in public forums often and I still get nervous. My aunt and my colleague both rated me as low, whereas I rated myself high. I agree with you, I must mask my nervousness very well for them to both agree that I am an eloquent confident speaker.

  3. Hi Jennifer,
    I enjoyed your blog. I wish I had the ability to easily hide when I am nervous in front of a large crowd. I
